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Managing Diabetes Without Medications

The only way to avoid the progression of diabetes is to bring the body back into balance. The good news is that you can make the change necessary to avoid a lifetime of ill health caused by diabetes.

Our health is a product of numerous individual components, which are different for each of us. Your body has unique biological needs for lifestyle, diet, and physical and mood activity tailored to match its cellular composition. Imbalance of one or all these parts depresses the immune and nervous systems, shifting the body's metabolism. This is the basis for illnesses and aging.

The solution for your health lies in correcting the cause of illness.




Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by fasting elevation of blood sugar. About 90% of adult-onset or Type II diabetes, also known as non-insulin dependent diabetes, is caused by improper diet, obesity, poor fat and protein digestion, stress, and imbalance of endocrine glands other than the pancreas.

Seventy percent of those diagnosed with Type II diabetes can avoid insulin injections and other drugs by losing weight. Unfortunately, most physicians believe that it's too difficult to help patients balance their diet and lifestyle, so they are most likely to recommend exercise, while writing out a prescription for a diabetes drug. For more than 8 million borderline diabetics, nutrition and weight loss are the first and most essential tools for managing their health. 

Diabetes drugs should never be a substitute for a healthy life style. All drugs have side effects. If you get on diabetes drugs and stay on them, without addressing the underlying causes of your diabetes, the disease will inevitably progress, with serious side effects of both the drug and the disease.

How We Can Help

There are many natural and effective ways to help control blood sugar. Start with a diet matched to your metabolic and blood type. This is essential for your body’s health. The way your body uses the foods you eat determines your well-being.

Micronutrients (zinc, chromium, boron, selenium, magnesium, manganese, etc.) and vitamins (niacin, B complex, E and C) show great potential in helping to stabilize blood sugar and making insulin work more efficiently. As you read about the supplements that help stabilize your blood sugar, keep in mind that they will affect your blood sugar, so they shouldn't be used without close monitoring if you have diabetes. 

You cannot properly control adult-onset diabetes without a good exercise program. Exercise is essential, not only for maintaining good circulation but also for making cells more sensitive to the body's own insulin. Different people need different types of physical activities. We can help you find what’s right for you. 

Most doctors now acknowledge that stress can aggravate diabetes. Many of them believe that psychological tension can actually lead to the illness. Stress-related disorders cause 50-80% of all illnesses in modem life. Special relaxation training may help you develop a better metabolic response to treatment and diet. 

Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) with breathing training has already helped many people gain the upper hand over their illness. If you don't want to miss out on the cures and new health discoveries that can make a big difference in your life, we invite you to learn more and see for yourself.

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