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Chelation Therapy in Chicago:
Different Chelation Protocols

Chelation Benefits
Chelation helps reduce the levels of heavy metals in the body, thereby reducing the production of free radicals and preventing peroxidation or breakdown of cell membranes, DNA, enzymes, and lipoproteins. Additionally, reducing the free radical threat frees up the body's natural healing mechanisms, so those resources can be directed at halting or even reversing the progression of disease.

Recently, researchers proposed another explanation for chelation benefits. There are many vital substances in our body (nitric oxide, prostaglandins, heparin, histamine, etc) that are critical to maintaining optimal blood circulation and brain function. But excess heavy metals in the body can diminish the body cells’ ability to produce them. Chelation therapy can remove those heavy metals, restoring optimal production of the substances critical to neural, vascular and general health.


New research also suggests that removing heavy metals through chelation can treat and prevent many serious diseases, including pancreatitis, gout, both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, chronic fatigue, irritable bowel, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis - even cancer. With chelation, new horizons have opened for children suffering from diseases caused by heavy metal toxicity. 


Chelation Protocols Available
Different heavy metal chelation therapies are available, including DMSA or DMSA/ALA, DMPS and EDTA. These can be done intravenously, orally, transdermally or rectally. Other detoxification methods, such as far infrared sauna, detoxifying baths and a mercury chelator called "BioChelat" are used in our office to gently support and enhance chelation programs. We also offer chelation pre-treatments and support during chelation protocols to maximize metal mobility while minimizing side effects. 

You can read more about our chelation protocols by clicking here. After researching various chelating agents and methods, Dr. Koles has chosen the ones that work most effectively with the least side effects. 

You can read more about our chelation and detoxification methods on this page. If you're interested in finding out what our chelation protocols look like from start to finish, you can find this information on our main chelation page.

Our chelation therapies include:


  • Rectal EDTA

  • Detoxifying baths

  • BioChelat

  • Magnetic therapy

  • Acupuncture

  • Other therapies, as determined by Dr. Koles

  • Endocrine Testing
    Comprehensive Thyroid Assessment is a comprehensive analysis of thyroid hormone secretion and metabolism, including central thyroid regulation and activity, peripheral thyroid function, and thyroid autoimmunity. This serum test allows Dr. Koles to pinpoint commonly occurring imbalances that underlie a broad spectrum of chronic illness. Bone Resorption Assessment is a simple, direct urinary assay of pyridinium crosslinks and deoxypyridinoline, useful in identifying current rate of bone loss, lytic bone disease, and efficacy of bone support therapies. Adrenocortex Stress Profile is a salivary assay of cortisol and DHEA, imbalances of which are associated with ailments ranging from obesity and menstrual disorders to immune deficiency and increased risk of cardiovascular disease. The test also measures insulin. Comprehensive Melatonin Profile analyzes three saliva samples for the secretion pattern of this important hormone. Melatonin imbalance has been associated with Seasonal Affective Disorder, infertility, sleep disorders, and compromised immune function.
  • BioSET Testing
    BioSET (Bioenergetic Sensitivity and Enzyme Therapy) is a system designed for assessment and elimination of allergies to foods, environmental allergens, chemical sensitivities and many common, and uncommon, allergens. BioSET involves electromagnetic testing with a computerized electro-acupuncture device for acupuncture meridian sensitivity. Applied Kinesiology, developed by Dr. George Goodheart in 1964, uses bioenergetic feedback through testing the strength of various muscles in the body. This highly individualized, in-depth sytem of analysis, allows the doctor to assess various aspects of a patient's state of health by evaluating and treating postural and muscular imbalances, neurovascular and neurolymphatic points, subluxation, cranial-sacral movement, acupuncture meridians and nutritional status. This is a highly effective treatment system which focuses on whole body care.
  • Metabolic Testing
    Metabolic Analysis Profile assesses urine metabolites to evaluate four critical areas of metabolism: gastrointestinal function, cellular energy production, neurotransmitter processing, and amino acid-organic acid balance. Test results can be used to address chronic systemic complaints: fatigue and mood disorders to headaches, muscular/joint pain, and digestive problems. Cellular Energy Profile evaluates fourteen organic acids that play a pivotal role in the generation of cell energy. Using a urine sample, the test can reveal metabolic distress associated with generalized pain and fatigue, which may arise in response to toxic exposure, nutrient imbalances, digestive dysfunction, and other causes. The profile also analyzes mitochondrial dysfunction and acquired errors of organic acid metals. Comprehensive Detoxification Profile analyzes saliva, blood, and after- challenge doses of caffeine, aspirin, and acetaminophen in order to assess the Phase I and Phase II functional capacity of the liver to convert and clear toxic substances from the body. This profile includes markers for oxidative stress and important antioxidants. The standard profile analyzes saliva and urine to assess the Phase I and Phase II functional capacity of the liver to convert and clear toxic substances from the body. Oxidative Stress Analysis (Blood & Urine) identifies markers of hydroxyl radical activity, urine lipid peroxides, reduced glutathione, superoxide dismutase, and glutathione peroxidase, following a challenge dose of aspirin and acetaminophen. Offered by itself or included in the Comprehensive Detoxification Profile. Especially useful in cases of chronic fatigue, xenobiotic exposure, and chronic illnesses.
  • Gastrointestinal Testing
    Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis (CDSA) is a non-invasive test that analyzes digestion and absorption, bacterial balance and metabolism, yeast and immune status. It's indicated for patients with irritable bowel syndrome, indigestion, malabsorption, dysbiosis, other GI-related problems, and many systemic disorders. Comprehensive Parasitology Panel evaluates stool for presence of parasites and levels of beneficial flora, imbalanced flora, pathogenic bacteria, and yeast. This profile accurately identifies a wide range of protozoal parasites, including amoebae, flagellates, ciliates, coccidia and microsporidia. For patients with abdominal pain, chronic diarrhea, and other GI-related symptoms. Intestinal Permeability Assessment analyzes urine for the clearance of two non-metabolized sugars, lactulose and mannitol. Identifies "leaky gut" and malabsorption. Bacterial Overgrowth of the Small Intestine Breath Test measures timed breath samples for hydrogen and methane gases released in response to lactulose challenge. Indicates overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine, a common cause of Irritable Bowel Syndrome and other chronic symptoms of maldigestion and malabsorption, including bloating, gas, diarrhea, irregularity, and abdominal pain. Lactose Intolerance Breath Test measures timed breath samples for hydrogen and methane gases released in response to lactose challenge. Detects lactose malabsorption, which often underlies chronic symptoms of bloating, gas, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Helicobacter pylori Antibody Assay assays blood for IgG antibodies to H. pylori, the leading cause of peptic ulcers, chronic gastritis, and increased risk of gastric cancer. Also provides a simple and sensitive clinical tool for monitoring eradication therapy.
  • Immunology Testing using both IgG (Delayed Reaction) and IgE (Immediate Reaction) Antibodies
    Food Antibody Assessment measures serum levels ofIgE and total IgG antibodies for 88 combined or vegetarian foods. The test results are then used to develop a customized rotational diet and supplementation plan. Inhalants Profile measures serum IgE antibody levels to 36 regional environmental inhalants. 24 Spice Profile measures serum levels ofIgE and total IgG antibodies for 24 frequently used culinary herbs and spices. Molds Profile measures serum levels of IgE and total IgE antibodies to 15 common molds Celiac Profile measures Total IgA to rule out false negatives in IgA immunodeficient individuals, and the Endomysial IgA as a reflex when indicated. Anti-GLiadin IgA and IgG is available to establish levels and use as a monitoring tool for successful elimination of gluten.
  • Nutritional Testing
    Toxicity Testing: Toxic Element Clearance Profile (24 hr and Creatinine) measures urinary excretion of 20 toxic metals. This test should be implemented when only a focused evaluation of exposure to toxic metals is desired. Elemental Analysis examines blood or hair samples for levels of toxic and nutrient elements. Toxicities and nutrient insufficiencies are identified, allowing for targeted interventions. Elemental Analysis, Packed Erythrocytes measures red blood cell intracellular concentrations of 6 toxic elements and 6 nutrient elements. Indicated for patients suspected of recent toxic element exposure and for evaluation of mineral nutrient status. Toxic Element Exposure Profile assesses levels of 22 potentially damaging elements using a hair sample. Indicated for patients with suspected exposure to toxic elements. Comprehensive Urine Element Profile (24 hr and Creatinine) measures urinary excretion of 15 nutrient elements and 20 toxic metals, including "classic" toxics such as lead, mercury, and arsenic, as well as newer technology toxics such as niobium. This is an ideal test for patients suspected of toxic metal exposure as well as potential nutrient mineral wasting. Amino Acids Analysis examines fasting blood or 24-hour urine samples for 40+ amino acids. Results can provide valuable biochemical information about many disorders, including chronic fatigue, learning disabilities, depression and immune problems. Essential & Metabolic Fatty Acids Analysis evaluates the level of red cell membrane or plasma fatty acids, imbalances which significantly affect inflammatory and other disorders. By knowing the various fatty acid levels, one can reestablish a balance using nutritional intervention.
  • Asthma
    The science: Asthma is an allergic disorder characterized by spasm of the airways, swelling of the mucous lining and excessive mucus production. The most prominent clinical feature is inability to breathe. Extrinsic asthma is an allergic condition with an increased level of IgE antibodies due to environmental causes. Intrinsic asthma is associated with bronchial reaction to other factors – cold air, emotions, exercise, etc. Both asthmas are triggered by the release of chemical mediators (histamine, leukotrienes) from tissue cells. Studies showed that in sensitive persons 70% of this release is triggered by food, in 20% by food and inhalant combinations, and in 10% - only by inhalants themselves. In addition, gastric acid secretion has been shown to be below normal levels in asthmatic patients, leading to defective digestion, mineral salt imbalance and a deficit in some amino acids. An overgrowth of the common yeast Candida in the intestines also has been implicated as a causative factor in asthma.
  • Intradermal Testing
    The principal testing methodologies we use are called serial dilution end point titration and provocation neutralization testing. Intradermal dilutional testing is intradermal testing of sequential and incremental dilutions of a single antigen. The endpoint is determined by intradermal testing with the use of approximately 0.1-ml of generally serial five-fold dilution extract. It is the weakest dilution that produces a positive skin reaction and initiates progressive increase in the diameter of the wheals with each stronger dilution. In a guideline of the American Academies of Environmental Medicine and Otolaryngic Allergy (AAOA) screening tests with relevant antigens are recommended to determine which to use in subsequent intradermal dilutional testing and further immunotherapy.
  • Applied Kinesiology (Muscle Testing)
    Applied Kinesiology, developed by Dr. George Goodheart in 1964, uses bioenergetic feedback through testing the strength of various muscles in the body. This highly individualized, in-depth sytem of analysis, allows the doctor to assess various aspects of a patient's state of health by evaluating and treating postural and muscular imbalances, neurovascular and neurolymphatic points, subluxation, cranial-sacral movement, acupuncture meridians and nutritional status. This is a highly effective treatment system which focuses on whole body care.
  • Rectal chelation with EDTA
    EDTA, the most popular chelating agent, is a synthetic amino acid which has been safely used for over 60 years. Although IV chelation with EDTA and other chelators has been proven safe, we strongly encourage a slower approach with children to avoid a fast and massive heavy metal flush-out. We offer transdermal, oral and rectal chelation protocols with mineral replacement and probiotic support. Prior to starting an EDTA chelation treatment, it's essential to first go through our body balancing protocol in combination with appropriate nutritional supplements. Optimizing your or child's health prior to chelation will help prevent any possible harmful effects. Unfortunately, most health insurance companies won't pay for chelation therapy. At more than $3,000 for a complete series of treatments, the cost of IV chelation can be prohibitive for many people. It's also inconvenient and can be potentially harmful, especially in children. For the full course, you have to visit your chelation clinic as many as 30 times. Each time your child needs to suffer the pain of IV injections. But now there's a new way to get all the detoxifying benefits of chelation without constant visits to the clinic and without the high-cost of IV treatments. It's known as rectal chelation therapy with a suppository, and it's the newest and most efficient technique for the detoxification of heavy metals. Rectal chelation does the job of detoxifying in a low-cost, convenient manner. It's an effective way to effuse EDTA through the intestinal walls and into your blood stream to clean toxic metals from all body cells. In fact, some chelation experts believe this new delivery method may be even more effective than IV administration, and safer too. Rectal chelation is becoming the logical choice over IV EDTA, which is poorly absorbed in a stomach and colon (10%). The rectum has a more neutral pH and is not as acidic as the stomach, which makes this area much better for EDTA absorption. Rectal suppository EDTA chelation therapy shows a 95% absorption rate. It is non-invasive and generally greatly preferred over IV treatments. An additional benefit is administering rectal chelation suppositories right before bedtime. During sleep, there is less metabolic competition for the EDTA, so the chelating agent doesn't have to work as hard. Plus, the chelating agent doesn't encounter as much resistance while you are lying down so it can more effectively chelate the entire body. Three nights of suppository treatment deliver the same amount of EDTA received in one IV dose. But because it's so much more affordable and so convenient, most people don't have a problem with using EDTA suppositories more frequently. This approach results in less EDTA traveling through the body at a much slower rate, which puts less strain on the liver and kidneys. Research has shown that EDTA suppositories can remove toxic metals from the body just as effectively as IV chelation. An unpublished study for World Health Products, Inc. conducted by Ted Rozema, M.D., shows that 10 consecutive days of treatment with EDTA suppositories significantly reduced blood lead levels in children with proven lead toxicity. After treatment with just one suppository, the children's urinary lead excretion skyrocketed from 4.23 mcd/gL to more than 325 mcd/gL.9 Detoxamin suppositories do NOT contain salt, yeast, sugar, artificial coloring or preservatives. They are Kosher and contain no meat products. This is ideal for anyone who wants to continue on the important maintenance aspect of chelation. Is suppository EDTA safe for children? Yes. In fact, suppository EDTA (Detoxamin) case studies were conducted on lead poisoning in children. The study showed no significant increase in BUN or creatinine levels even in very young children. Due to lower dosage and time release formulation, no renal toxicity was encountered.
  • Bio-Chelat
    Bio-Chelat can be used to “mobilize” or gently move the “stuck” mercury from the organs. It is an easily administered, cost efficient liquid chelator. It is taken in drops, orally. Bio-Chelat enhances the electro-magnetic phenomenon by achieving a high concentration gradient that overcomes the blood-brain barrier – Mercury ions are excreted from the brain. Bio-Chelat is taken over a 6 to 12 month period. The therapeutic goal of mercury elimination cannot be achieved in a short period of time because mercury is either deposited in, or bound to various organs. Because of the constant environmental exposures, we recommend taking detoxifying baths at least once a week and Bio-Chelat daily. All mercury chelating procedure should be supplemented with Mercury-Detox formula that contains with glutathione, NAC, vitamin C and other super antioxidants. Additional special liver support is essential with herbal and vitamin formulas.
  • Detoxifying Baths
    Detoxifying baths are recommended for enhancing bodily cleansing procedures. We use specially formulated Environmental Detox Bath Kit that assists in the broad elimination of environmental toxins from vaccinations, lead, some mercury, pesticides, insecticides and chemical food residues. Our Detox bath kits also work for nickel, copper and other metals not covered by the other formulas. They contain activated charcoal to assist in the removal of poisons as they are being released through the skin. It is suggested to go slower when detoxifying mercury. If a person does not show dark residue in the light colored clay AFTER the bath (in the clay residue in the tub), then they need to add Bio-Chelat (a homeopathic liquid formula from Germany) to their baths.
    DMSA and DMPS, can be used for your detoxification program. Dr. Koles prefers to use the new, stable transdermal DMSA lotion formulation. DMSA (Dimercaptosiccinic acid, Succimer) is an FDA-approved medication that can be used in both adults and children. Transdermal DMSA has not been used in the past because DMSA has a pungent odor, as well as poor stability in a topical formulation. Dr. Koles uses a new design of the DMSA lotion that doesn't have a strong smell and is very stable. We believe that DMSA offers the best combination of safety and effectiveness for our patients. Still, using DMSA can cause some temporary side effects. The person may experience gas, diarrhea, bloating, and GI discomfort, because of DMSA's sulfur content. Rarely, allergy may occur. Somewhere between 1-3% of patients develop either elevated liver enzymes or low white blood cell and/or platelet counts (a sign of liver and bone marrow suppression). When adverse symptoms occur while using DMSA, they can often be quickly decreased by the reduction or cessation of DMSA dosing. Unlike DMSA, DMPS is considered an experimental drug by the FDA. So why do people use DMPS? It has been safely used in Europe for over 50 years. It also has better clinical results in chelating cadmium, silver, tin, arsenic and mercury compounds than DMSA. However, DMSA has been shown more effective at removing organic mercury than DMPS and less toxic. DMPS is somewhat more difficult to prepare chemically and is more expensive than DMSA. Studies have shown that administering DMPS can temporarily increase mercury levels in the brains of people who already have some mercury in their bodies (which would probably be most of us). After the second administration of DMPS, the levels decrease. To read this study, conducted at University of Washington, please click here. The main reason why some doctors prefer DMPS over DMSA is that on long term oral intake DMSA causes Candida (gut fungi) overgrowth and stomach discomfort in some patients. These problems can be prevented with proper intestinal support, which is required for all chelation programs at our office. For patients that still prefer DMPS, transdermal DMPS - which is significantly less toxic than the oral form - can be used.
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